The Black Squirrel joined Barclay Customs teams to welcome first-years on Move-In Day. Photo by Holden Blanco '17.
Dorm Olympics, Haverford’s annual tradition of residence hall pride and student talent that pits dorm against dorm in a camp-color-war-style competition, had to be postponed until Sept. 8 due to rain, but otherwise Customs 2019 was, as this year’s candy-themed logo suggested, sweet.
Customs is Haverford College’s unique first-year experience, which begins with a five-day orientation ahead of the start of classes and continues all year long, as roughly 200 upperclass students support the newest Fords in their transition from high school to college life. Those first five days include Move-In Day (facilitated by Customs teams members who helped carry all those mini-fridges and laundry baskets into the residence halls), several fairs and information sessions introducing the newest Fords to campus resources and academic departmental offerings, advising sessions, the annual SupaFun dance, a hypnotist performance, and—this year—an outdoor screening of Space Jam on Founders Green.
The 364 individuals who collectively make up the Class of 2023 hail from 35 states, D.C., Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, Guam, and 20 countries from around the world. 48 percent identify as a person of color, 25 percent come from a family where one or both parents did not attend college, and 25 of them are Questbridge-match students.
They are largest and most selective class in the College’s history, and Customs Week allowed the rest of the Haverford community a chance to get to know them and offer them a warm welcome to their new home.
Members of a Tritton customs team Alex Stern ’20 and Sofia Esner ’22. Photo by Cole Sansom ’19
The student-designed Customs t-shirts were candy-themed this year. Photo by Holden Blanco ’17.
Customs people help incoming first-years move into their dorms. Photo by Cole Sansom ’19
Barclay CP Lizy Szanton helps her firstyears move in. Photo by Cole Sansom ’19
Nichole Haas-Loomis ’21 carries her firstyears belongnings into Gummere. Photo by Cole Sansom ’19
CP Maria Penrice ’22 helps firstyears move in to Tritton. Photo by Cole Sansom ’19
The student-designed Customs t-shirts were candy-themed this year.
A Customs Person helps a new student move into Tritton Hall. Photo by Holden Blanco ’17.
Customs teams helped first-years move into their dorms. Photo by Holden Blanco ’17.
The Black Squirrel and President Wendy Raymond at new-student check-in in the GIAC. Photo by Holden Blanco ’17.
The Black Squirrel went to the GIAC for new-student check-in ready to meet the Class of 2012.
President Wendy Raymond met students and their families at new-student check-in. Photo by Holden Blanco ’17.
Customs people greet firstyears coming from the welcome ceremony. Photo by Cole Sansom ’19
Customs people greet firstyears coming from the welcome ceremony. Photo by Cole Sansom ’19
President Wendy Raymond greets incoming students and their families. Photo by Cole Sansom ’19
President Raymond talks with parents who have just dropped their children off. Photo by Cole Sansom ’19
First-years assemble in Marshall auditorium to see the hypnotist show. Photo by Cole Sansom ’19
The Hypnotist talks to her hypnotees. Photo by Cole Sansom ’19
Students watch their peers become hypnotized. Photo by Cole Sansom ’19.
First-years and their customs teams wait in line for donuts and ice cream outside Founders. Photo by Cole Sansom ’19
First-years and their customs teams order donuts and ice cream from food trucks on Founders Green. Photo by Cole Sansom ’19