At Commencement 2015, as in years past, alumni parents and relatives were invited to a special photo session with their graduating seniors. (Click or scroll over the photo for captioning information.) All photos by Jim Roese.
Ted Love ’81 and Alex Love ’15
Mark Anderson ’84 and Robert Lee Anderson ’15
Raphael Small ’15 and Eric Small ’85
Courtney Asare ’15 and Charles Asare ’82
Anna Jeretic ’83, Atena Jeretic ’15, and Paloma Jeretic ’12
William Fletcher ’83 and Amanda Fletcher ’15
John Bracker ’84 and Emma Bracker ’15
Christ Gardner ’15, Anjan Chatterjee ’80, and Eric Garnder ’17
Noah Wolfson Jaffe ’17, Nancy Wolfson BMC ’83, Rachel Wolfson Jaffe ’15, and Jeremy Jaffe ’83
Graham Lobel ’15 and Douglas Lobel ’79
Bruce Baron ’76 and Rachel Baron ’15
Sharon Warner ’12, Keith Warner ’15 and Carolun Warner ’10
Jon Martin ’80, Pat Song BMC ’79, Natalie Martin ’15, and Nicholas Martin ’13
Alison Bing ’91 and Hanaan Bing-Canar ’15 (holding the diploma of Anthony Bing ’57)