There are a few ground rules for the Save As: Lightning Talks. Each presentation is limited to two-minutes. Clapping is confined to “Lightning Breaks” (two-minute breaks between every five presentations). And innovative ideas concerning the intersection between scholarship and digital media are a must.
Save As is an ongoing initiative of Digital Scholarship in the Library, whose members included library staff members Laurie Allen, Jen Rajchel and Mike Zarafonetis; Corey Chao from IITS, and Student Coordinator for Digital Humanities Shahzeen Nasim ’15. The first round of talks was held in the fall and on January 31, in the Phillips Wing of Magil Library, members of the College community got to hear Round II.
Presentations covered subjects ranging from the growing DIY video game culture, the paradox of the term “user-friendly,” and eBook doodling. Aubree Penny ’13 gave an online tour of the Cantor Fitzgerald Gallery and Magill’s Rajchel pitched the murder mystery exhibit slated to open in the Cantor Fitzgerald Gallery. Alexandra Colon ’13 gave a two-minute talk on her documentary detailing a family history often “silent” to her. Colon shrunk her original film down to 30-seconds, which she played during her presentation.
Said Coordinator for the Digital Scholarship and Services Laurie Allen, “We wanted to get the campus interested so people would know it wasn’t just them doing these interesting projects. It was a chance to let Haverford know about all the little, awesome projects going around on campus as well as the bigger ones.”
Save As will be hosting a series Workshops concerning technology and its academic application throughout the spring.
Here is a full list of the recent Lightning Talks presenters and their subjects.
Arielle Harris, “The Ira de Augistine Reid Digital Exhibit”
Katherine Pryor, “Medieval Marginalia and Animation: One Degree of Separation”
Alexandra Colon, “Unearthing Silence: Memory and Re-membrance in Video Production”
Ivan Goldsmith, “Bridging the Digital Divide”
Aubree Penney, “The Gallery on the Screen: virtual Exhibition Desgin in Trimble SketchUp”
Dan Fries, “Hand-Held, or, Please Go Home and Make Video Games”
Samantha Shain (below), “Mapping #Occupy (A foray into Arrestibility)”
Professors: Megan Heckert, “What is this thing called access?”
Steven Lindell, “Creating a course resource for CS147: The History of Mechanized Thought”
Donovan Schafer, “Animal Bodies”
Bret Mulligan, “A Born-Digital Commentary for Nepos’ Life of Hannibal”
Ken Koltun-Fromm, “Discussing Texts Online with Comment Press”
James Krippner, “From Power Point to Historical Documentary”
Laura McGrane (below), “The User Paradox”
Corey Chao, “Electric Etiquette: How to give a lightning talk”
Margaret Schaus, “Going Medieval on Your Art: Images in the Feminine Database”
Jeremiah Mercucio, “Can I Doodle in my eBook? Distraction in the Digital Age”
James Gulick, “Current Art Exhibitions”
Jen Rajchel, “The Thing was Done in the Dark: Who Killed Sarah Stout?”
—Rachel Baron ’15
Lightning Talks: Round II