First-years have moved in and Customs Week is underway. So it’s time to meet the newest Fords on campus!

The Class of 2015 by the numbers:
Students come from 31 States, DC, Puerto Rico, and 21 Foreign Countries.
The top metro areas represented are, in order: New York, Philadelphia, Los Angeles, Boston, DC, the Bay Area, Chicago and Portland, Ore.
9 students were originally admitted to the Class of 2014, and chose to defer enrollment to this year.
25% come from a family in which one or both parents did not attend college
12% are the first in their family to go to college
19% speak a language other than English at home.
5% are Quaker
35% identify as a student of color.
8% came to us from outside the United States, which we believe to be the highest percentage ever for Haverford.
Of those who went to high schools that rank (which is a bit under half),
● 99% were in the top 20% of their class;
● 94% were in the top 10%;
● 15% were in the top 2%; and
● 30 were the Valedictorian or the salutatorian of their graduating class.
25 served as the Head or Vice President of Student Government.
90 were captains of a sports team.
37 were the captain of an academic team.
28 were the Editor-in-Chief of the school newspaper
35% were the President or Head of some other club or organization in their school.
Around 20% founded their own club or organization.
More than half were involved in the arts in some capacity during high school, with more than 1/3 involved in music.
A closer look:
Among the members of the impressively accomplished Class of 2015 are students who
Sang for two US Presidents: “Christmas in Washington” with George Bush in attendance, and as part of the Inaugural Celebration Chorus for Barak Obama.
Speak English, German, Italian, French and some Chinese.
Speak English, French, German, Russian, and Ancient Greek!
Conducted Bio research at the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard and worked on an international research project on climate change.
Danced with the Joffrey Ballet.
Danced with the Alvin Ailley Company.
Spent the last two years in compulsory military service in his/her home country.
Finished 20th at the National High School Chess Championship.
Played Barak Obama in a school theatrical production (in China) and can apparently do a killer impression.
Won Best Female Soloist at the North American Music Festival in Toronto.
Was on the Iowa State Champion FIRST Robotics team.
Was Ethiopian National Junior Champion in Tennis at age 12.
Earned a place on the Wall of Flame at Stubby’s restaurant for eating the TNT Burger, made with the world’s hottest chili.
Was one of 50 students chosen from around the world to be a BAYER Young Environmental Envoy to Germany.
Was Student President of the United Choir School, a prestigious singing academy for 550 girls age 6-18.
Participated in the Woolman Semester last year, a program of intensive social justice and peace-based education with an emphasis on sustainability. (This is the third year in a row we have an alum of this program.)
Was a lead actress in a popular youth television show in her home country and has continued to act in a number of other roles.
Was on the 2nd place team in Arizona for Lego Robotics.
Founded a county-wide support group for Teens with OCD and has spoken at Mental Health Association conferences and meetings.
Has donated to Locks of Love three times.
Was one of two students chosen to be on the Conn. State Board of Education State Advisory Council.
Listed your religious preference on the common application as “Pagan.”
Helped develop an app for the iPhone called “MicroGifts” which allows users to make small charitable donations to a variety of organizations with a simple touch of a button.
Finished in the Top 10 on the National French Exam.
Was a ball boy at the US Open.
Made cookies for teachers at the end of the year representing all the elements on the periodic table, including using the right colors and element symbols.
Was Keynote Speaker for the British Council Vietnam and has helped promote higher education for Vietnamese youth through the organization VietAbroader.
Was a Congressional House Page last semester, during the last year of the program, which had been in existence for 180 years.
Is a Hollister model.
Volunteered at the Oregon Museum of Science and Industry where s/he learned to play musical wine glasses.
Founded Humans for Humans, raising money for homeless in the US and gathering school and medical supplies for hospitals and orphanages in Ghana.
Performed at the Apollo Theatre.
Is a welder, making both practical and artistic objects.
Attended the UN Environment Program Conference on Climate Change and was one of just two students from China selected to go to the International Youth Conference on BioDiversity.
Sent a lengthy (and very good) German newsletter containing various articles on your interest in all things German. Our favorite section? Your list of Top Bratwursts.
Served as the High School Clerk for Friends General Conference, one of the largest national Quaker organizations and gatherings.
Worked as a translator at a clinic for migrant workers in Korea.
Started your school’s first recycling program, which is now being implemented throughout the entire Denver school district.
Captained the Quiz Bowl team that finished No. 2 at the High School National Tournament and twice won the state championship, and captained the All-Star team that won the National All-Star Tournament.
Please welcome these extraordinary students to Haverford.