Today is one of our favorite days of the year: move-in day! (And we couldn’t have gotten better weather for it—blue skies, a cool breeze, not too humid.) All day long first-year students are being welcomed to campus to embark on their four-year Haverford adventure. Today also marks the start of Customs Week, the College’s five-day orientation program that will help new students settle into life here on campus and ease the transition from high school to college life.
A swarm of upperclassmen in colorful shirts (this year’s theme: a Scrabble board) greet each first-year with a round of applause as s/he pulls onto campus with his or her family. They then help unload their new students’ cars and officially move them into their dorm rooms in Gummere Hall, Barclay Hall and the Haverford College Apartments (HCA), the three residences for first-year students.
So to the Class of 2015 and their families we say, “Welcome to campus.” We’re so happy you’re finally here.
For more details on Customs Weeks and for further new student information, please check the Customs site.
Welcome Class of 2015!
Today is one of our favorite days of the year: move-in day! All day long first-year students are being welcomed to campus to embark upon their four-year Haverford adventure.