With most students gone (save those on campus for summer work and research assignments), the campus has been pretty quiet these last few weeks. Though fewer people are here to see it, our leafy campus is an exceptionally pleasant place to be on a summer day.
A nice photo essay featuring shots of the duck pond , different athletic facilities and lawns looking their greenest appeared yesterday on the Ardmore-Merion-Wynnewood patch, and reminded me that I took some recent pictures of the new dorms site that I wanted to share with you.
No longer blanketed by snow, the future site of Tritton and Kim halls is now grassy and often bustles with activity. (After all, the dorms are slated to open a little more than a year from now!) And some recently added signage now details the architectural and construction plans for visitors. Not planning a trip to campus yourself this summer? You can still follow the progress of the construction online here.
Also, be sure to check out that photo essay by Thomas J. Walsh on the local Patch. He really captures the slower pace and quiet beauty of Haverford in summertime.
Campus in Summer
With most of the students gone (save those on campus for summer work and research assignments), the campus has been pretty quiet these last few weeks. But though there may be fewer people around to see it, it is no less lovely. Sweet-smelling, verdant and leafy, the campus is an exceptionally nice place to be on a warm summer day.