Club Life: Fiber Arts Club

The Fiber Arts Club offers resources and materials for artists seeking to develop their skills.

What: Since 2021, the Fiber Arts Club has provided a weekly community space for its members to develop their skills and untangle problems in their personal projects among the company of fellow artists. The club is focused on “anything to do with fiber,” says co-head Mia Ellis-Einhorn ’24. “That could be knitting, crochet, embroidery, etc.” The club also offers resources and materials for artists to use in their work.

Why: “Historically, [fiber arts] has been seen as an older woman’s thing to do, but with the pandemic, there’s been a resurgence,” says Ellis-Einhorn. “The best way to learn is through other people, so the club serves as a way to share tips and help each other out. Fiber Arts Club is a way to form a community, just like knitting circles and sewing circles have always been a type of community.”

Who: The club was founded by Aliya Gottesfeld ’25 and Zoe Ozols ’25 with Ellis-Einhorn serving as its third co-head. On average, about 10 to 15 artists show up to a meeting, but its total membership is about 25. The club’s Instagram account, @hcfiberarts, which has about 150 followers, highlights its events and its members’ latest projects.

When: The club meets on Sundays in VCAM 201 at 4 p.m.